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Compact and Mobile Concrete Batching Plant in Suriname

Compact and Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

Gajjar Equipments Private Limited provides a Compact and Mobile Concrete Batching Plant in Suriname.

Our Manufacturing unit is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.


Gajjar Equipments Private Limited presents its Compact and Mobile Concrete Batching Plant, designed to offer a fast and low-cost solution for high-quality concrete production.

This plant is perfect for projects that require efficient, quick setup and operation, while maintaining top-quality results.

With capacities ranging from 24 m³ to 90 m³, this plant is suitable for various industries, including ready-mix concrete production and precast concrete applications.

Available Models



Capacity Range: From 24 m³ to 90 m³
Output: Exceptional concrete mix output
Design: Compact, modular, and transport-optimized for easy relocation
Pre-installed Components: Electrical and pneumatic components fully pre-installed for Plug & Play functionality
Soil Compaction: Requires a minimum soil compaction of 250 kN/m², eliminating the need for complex foundations


Easy to Transport and Install: The compact design and modular structure make the plant easy to transport, relocate, and set up at various project sites.

Plug & Play Setup: All electric and pneumatic components come pre-installed, allowing for quick and hassle-free assembly.

Minimal Foundation Requirements: No extensive foundations are needed, with a simple soil compaction of 250 kN/m² being sufficient for installation.

Short Assembly Times: The plant is designed for rapid unfolding and erection, which minimizes installation time and costs.

Expandable Aggregate Storage: The plant allows flexibility in increasing storage capacity for aggregates as per the project needs.

Transport Optimized: The design focuses on optimizing transport logistics, ensuring easy relocation.


Ready-Mixed Concrete Industry
Precast Concrete Industry
Concrete Filling Station

Gajjar Equipments Private Limited provides Compact and Mobile Concrete Batching Plant in Suriname including locations in Paramaribo, Nieuw Nickerie, Moengo, Lelydorp, Nieuw Amsterdam, Mariënburg, Wageningen, Albina, Groningen, and Brownsweg.

For more information or to request a product brochure, please contact Gajjar Equipments Private Limited.

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